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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quote of the Day- August 27, 2013

"Definitely there'd been a girl named Reyna. He wasn't sure what she'd meant to him, but the memory made him question what he felt about Piper-- and wonder if he was doing something wrong."
-Jason Grace, The Lost Hero, written by Rick Riordan
"Praetors work closely together. It's common for them to become romantically involved. But Jason was only praetor for a few months before he disappeared."
-Reyna (surname soon to be revealed in HoH), The Son of Neptune, written by Rick Riordan
Are you a Jasper person? Well, don't flame or continue because it's gonna be a Jeyna rant.

I chose these two quotes because I just need to say something here. Most of my friends are Jasper supporters, go figure. It's my blog; I need to talk, so I will.

Why the heck is Hera such a damn b****?!? It was only a matter of time.

Aphrodite is a major idiot. Encouraging her daughter to like the guy that she has FAKE memories for.


Why didn't you like a Roman with perhaps a "R" in the beginning of her name, Jason?

Okay, that's the end of it.


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