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Monday, August 19, 2013

Iz's Tips for Choosing a Book

Many people want to know which books are good before they buy it. There are many ways to figure it out.

I know I wouldn't want to buy a book if, in the end, it turned out bad. I'm usually broke from spending all my money on books. I know, it's very sad, but at the same time, true. 

Let's get on with the tips. 

Iz's Tips for Choosing a Good Book
  • Ask a friend that normally doesn't read if they have read a "really, really good book"
–If someone who isn't interested in reading decides to read something that they find amazing, it would have to be pretty interesting.
  • Look at what's on the cover
–Teachers always say don't judge a book by it's cover, but covers are good enough judges when it comes to books. It shows whether or not the publisher wanted to spend enough time on it. If you think the cover looks good, chances are the summary is gonna lure you in too. 

  • New York Times Bestsellers
–A New York Times bestseller is always the best. Somewhere on the cover, either under the book title or near the author's name tells you if it's a bestseller. These books already have critics raving over them. I think it's time for you to get immersed in them too. 

  • New books that are on display at your local library or bookstore
–Those books on the stands that capture your eyes are those that the library or the bookstore want you to notice, as you did the moment that you walked in. 
  • Choose a book from one of the authors that you've read a book from
–When you like something that an author has written, it's their writing style that you like. When you notice that, you realize the number of items that you buy or check out from them has increased. Stick with these writers. You might even start to pick up their style of writing and customize it into yours.
  • Select your favorite genre
–Parents often think that the more diversity that their child reads, the better it is for the reader. I find that this not always true. Rather, most of the time, it's not true. You won't want to read something that bores you to death. It'll take you forever to read.

Instead, I'm proposing another method.  Choose a genre that you like. Expand from there (if you want to). How do you expand so that you're actually interested? Find something that you originally are fond of or fancy. In there should be a new subject that you learned about. Now, it's the time for you to expand into that something new. 
  • Go to Goodreads or another critique website
–Here you can see what genre a book belongs too and read a little summary
  • When you buy a book, check what other customers bought
-I constantly go to Barnes and Noble and Amazon to buy books. When I do that, there are advertisements that are targeted towards the intended audience, you. Here, they (the website) choose similar books or items that you might be interested in. Most of the time, they are.

That's my several ways to find a good book. If you followed some of them above, tell me if it worked for you or not. 


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