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Monday, August 26, 2013


ASDFGHJKL It's the divergent trailer!!! Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's talk about it.

Wait - first you need to watch it again. :)

The first eight seconds show Jeanine Matthews addressing all the sixteen year-olds in all five factions in a giant auditorium. "The future," she says slooooooowly, "belongs to those who know where they belong." They show all five factions sitting together. You see the Abnegation in grey, the Amity in yellow, the Erudite in blue, the Candor in black & white, and the Dauntless in black. That's good; you can see they're following the book in that, at least. However, you also see the following shot of Beatrice staring dumbly:

I mean, seriously? What even is that expression? Whatever.

Then four seconds of Caleb & Beatrice chatting as they walk to school before the aptitude test. We get a one second shot of the Priors before they go to the ceremony. Then fourteen seconds of Tori--the only person in this trailer more overdramatic than Jeanine--explaining to Beatrice that she is Divergent. That ends what we see of Beatrice; now we enter Tris in Dauntless.

Now some Jeanine--she's in at the Dauntless training area for some reason and not in her own faction. She tells Tris that "the system removes the threst of anyone excersizing their independent will." She pauses for two seconds while we see a couple of shots of people hoilding guns, and then continues, "Divergents threaten that system. It won't be safe until they're removed." Meanwhile we see the scene where she jumps off the roof!! That looks cool.

Then we have a bunch of stuff that we already saw in the teaser, and it starts to get interesting at about 00:53. Tori tells Tris to "trust herself" and then we see her awesomely beat Peter up. We see a few shots from various scenes (jumping off the train, the ferris wheel, and Four showing Tris his tatoos) while Jeanine tells Tris that she's a "poor blend of impulses and impurities." Tris snaps back, "Don't try and define me," we cut to a shot of Tris and Four kissing (which i'm sure you guys will love--I personally never liked them together but that's a different story). And then the music starts to wind down and we get a full couple seconds of the knife-throwing scene, and the end.

So, really good trailer!! It is definitely better than what we saw in the teaser.

We still need more, though!!!!! I can't wait until March 21, and I'm sure you can't either!

 - Nick

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job with the trailer. I probably would have started to ramble on and on. Anyways, that Fourtris moment near the end of the trailer caught me off guard, which also meant I had to put a show on for my brother saying "eww" and "what the heck?" I personally don't think that Shailene and Theo act normal. They kinda disgust me...
