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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters (Movie)

This is like my first time doing a movie review, but good enough right? Fine, just don't mind me.
Well just yesterday, a Saturday of my perfect summer (not!), I went with my friends to the cinemas. We had pizza beforehand. If I go into those details I'll be mad. The pizza came  out of the oven thirty minutes too late with no time left as the showing started. Burning hot tomato sauce is bad for your tongue (not that you don't already know).Though, let me tell you meeting up with friends you haven't seen for a while makes up for that. =)

Let's look at at a few of the movie posters

I couldn't find a poster that was in English so this is Spanish. I wanna just discuss a few things about this poster. It's also the cover for the movie cover of the book. 

Look at Grover's smirk and moustache. Oh and the obvious horns that he didn't have in the first movie.

 Percy's (Logan Lerman)  hair is  cut short. That's different from the book. We all picture Percy with shaggy hair or at least not that short.
(For example this one here.)

Those are some of the mythical creatures that you'll see. I'll tell you which monster was what. Starting from the top right hand corner, that's Rainbow the hippocampus. You really can't see the rainbow can you? Moving on, the bottom left, that's a manticore, I think because the features weren't really that clear. It's tail was like a scorpion's. I know this specific monster was supposed to be in the next movie. (Dr. Thorne- ironic right? Tail?) On the bottom right, is one of Hephaestus' haywire creations, the Colchis bull that decided to attack Camp Half-Blood.
Believe it or not, the first one on the top is actually Kronos. He doesn't take over Luke's body. He does something even weirder. And for all those that watched the movie, you know what I'm talking about. ;)

This was my favorite poster. IN DEMIGODS WE TRUST. Who remembers American currency. In God we trust. I believe that this poster is more accurate. The Greek Gods never actually did things themselves. The famous demigods always saved the world. 

Annabeth's smartness might need to be raised a bit. I mean seriously, Tyson kinda knows more than her. And how we thought Tyson was supposed to be a bit dumb, he can speak in full sentences. Grover and Tyson also get along really well with each other.

I also kinda noticed something before I saw the movie, but the cast of SoM. Douglas Smith,  actor for Tyson does look a lot like Harry Styles from 1D. To prove that, just look at this photo below.

Douglas Smith (Tyson)
Harry Styles (One Direction)

Clarisse isn't as mean as everything in the book suggests.

A letdown to the Percabeth fans was something minor. Oh who am I kidding? They don't call each other "Wise Girl" and "Seaweed Brain". Very sad. It's breaking my fangirl heart at the moment.

There is no Percabeth kiss (ON THE CHEEK) after the chariot ride that was cut out.

Thalia is amazing. I love her. Though the only line that older Thalia says is "I'm Thalia, daughter of Zeus." Wanna see a picture of younger Thalia and older Thalia? I wish I could say I had a picture of them in action from the movie, but Google isn't finding me a picture.

                    Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Character Guide

Fortunately, I did find a picture of Annabeth, Luke, and Grover reaching the camp.
 They don't really look like the actors that play the older them, but good enough right? I know that Luke was supposed to be older than Annabeth. Grover's furry legs! I wonder how those pants felt. =P

The movie was different in a good way. Great job, Thor Freudenthal. Look at some of the comic strips on the this webpage. It's pretty hilarious!


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