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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Book Review: Matched

Unlike my movie review, I have written book reviews before.

So onto this book, Matched

What did I tell you? Under Ally Condie's name "A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER".

Anyways,  the color of the book, is eye catching: green; very much unlike most books out there.

Summary: Cassia has always trusted the society's choices. And when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia is certain he is the one... until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black.  Now she is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path no one dares follow... between perfection and passion. 

This book was incredibly amazing. I probably waited for four months to get it since my brother's birthday party when a certain two friends of mine decided it was good to bring these books and share them with me.

When I started to read it, it was boring. I finished up reading about the Matched banquet and just put it down. As time started to pass, I began to pick up the book again.

It was a delightful read -minus a younger brother saying, "eww, it's a book about love". I will not say how much more I was ridiculed.- The adventure doesn't really begin in this book, but it's a thrill. The second book, Crossed is with the adventure.

The physical voyage isn't here, but it's what Cassia goes through that we feel. Impressions are being made every time Cassia  has a choice or in most cases, doesn't.

As teenagers, we experience the same decision making. What we are given a choice to do. What do we choose? Why can't we make our own decisions?

Ally Condie did a fantastic job in steering us the way that Cassia felt. In the beginning of the book, I thought that Cassia was supposed to be with Xander; that was how to Society wanted it to be. They were Matched to perfection, both guaranteed high spots for work.

As more of Ky's life and how he thinks is revealed to Cassia, to us, the more differently we think of him. At first Ky was an outsider, different and not "perfect" like Xander was. The more we knew, it was start of a revolt against the Society's once flawless ways.

Final Score: 9.3 out of 10

Go borrow it from your friend, put a hold on it in the library, buy it at the bookstore.


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