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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Update!: John Green Stuff

Yes, I stole Ivy's thing. Whatever, I wanted to talk about this. – Nick

For those of you who don't follow John Green on Youtube, I suggest you do so right now. His blog is the best way to get news on his books, and it's also hilarious. Go here.

Those of you who do follow his blog probably know the following two news things, but read anyway because I'm gonna talk about them.

A new book?
First up, yes, John Green is writing a new book!! It's probably going to be called The Racket, and only a little of it has been written yet. John can still scrap it if he doesn't like it, but still. It's a John Green book; how can it not be good? We still know absolutely nothing about the content of the book, but I'm pumped for it. It's been too long since a John Green book came out.

TFiOS poster!
The first promotional poster for The Fault in Our Stars was released! Here's what it looks like:

Amazing, right? There are three things that stand out to me when looking at this poster:

1. The same font as the book. I don't know why I love this font so much; I just do. I think it represents the story well: the fact that it's not a fancy, perfect love story, but a messy one that's realistic.
2. Hazel's cannula. It's a great sign that they're adding small details like this. In the book, a big theme is that they don't just have cancer, they have to go through cancer and all of the trouble it gives them, like having to wear a cannula all day long.
3. The tagline. When you looked at the tagline for the first time, you probably (like me) thought that it was horrible. It makes the whole story into a terrible pun. It seems like such a bad way to sum on the story. Not really—think about it. Isn't that exactly what Hazel would say?

On that thought, here's to hoping that we get a trailer soon! The Fault in Our Stars comes out June 6!

 — Nick

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