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Friday, November 29, 2013

City of Lost Souls – Mini-Review

My Allegiant review took so long that I'm really behind on reviews! I'll be doing a bunch of "Mini-Review"s like this one to catch up. They will be just my thoughts on the book, not an in-depth talk about it.

Title: City of Lost Souls
Author: Cassandra Clare
Series: The Mortal Instruments
Previous books in this series:
  1. City of Bones (My rating: 9.0)
  2. City of Ashes (My rating: 8.9)
  3. City of Glass (My rating: 9.3)
  4. City of Fallen Angels (My rating: 9.2)
Reviewer: Nick

In many ways City of Lost Souls was a little too much for me. First of all, it was really long. I got a little bored near the end. The ending paid off, though, and had a nice little quirk too.

Spoilers start now.

I tried to keep this spoiler-free, but there's one thing I need to talk about—Sebastian. And Clary. Ew. We learned that Sebastian likes Clary in that way, although we don't know in what capacity. That's kinda disturbing, but you have to give Clare credit. I mean, very few authors would go there.

Also, Jace glowing at the end was a stroke of genius on Clare's part.

Spoilers end now.

City of Lost Souls was a little disappointing, but of course it was still good. I'm psyched for City of Heavenly Fire! I can't believe we have to wait until May 27, 2014!

Final score: 8.7 out of 10

Next review: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

 — Nick

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