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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nick's Quote of the Week – October 6, 2013

• "I used to think being a good warrior meant not caring. About anything, myself especially. I took every risk i could. I flung myself in the path of demons. I think I gave Alec a complex about what kind of fighter he was, just because he wanted to live. I alway thought love made you stupid. Made you weak. A bad Shadowhunter. To love is to destroy. I believed that. And then I met you. You were a mundane. Weak. Not a fighter. Never trained. And then I saw how much you loved your mother, loved Simon, and how you'd walk into hell to save them. Love didn't make you weak, it made you stronger than anyone I'd ever met. And I realized I was the one who was weak."
 – Jace Lightwood, City of Glass

Sorry for being so late; my parents dragged me to a bunch of places today. :P

This quote is from the Mortal Instruments series. It's now one of my favorite series, and this is just one of the many memorable quotes. Look out for my review of City of Fallen Angels soon! Ugh, I'm so behind…


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